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St. Alban's is embarking on a journey to find a visionary Rector who will guide our parish towards a future abundant with hope, faith and love.


To learn more about us, please click on our Parish Profile below. 

Rector Search and Transition




Sunday, January 21st: We have some wonderful news to share! Our Parish Profile has been completed, marking a significant milestone in our journey towards finding a new rector. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our Parish Profile Committee, the diocese has approved it, and we are eager to distribute it to everyone at our Annual Parish Meeting on February 25th. During this meeting, we will express our gratitude to the committee for their thoughtful approach, unwavering dedication, and exceptional work. Until then, you can view the Parish Profile by clicking on the link above. 


We have moved from being a parish in "self-study" to being a parish "receiving names". This is an exciting new chapter in our journey. Furthermore, we have formed a Search Committee, who will enter into a discernment process to find our next rector.  We will commission our Search Committee formally during our worship service on February 4th, and we ask for your prayers as they undertake this critical task.

Sunday, November 19th: On behalf of the Vestry, we have exciting news to share! Our six-month search for a qualified candidate to lead our Children's ministry has come to a fruitful conclusion.  We are delighted to announce that Joyce Gavin has accepted the position to be our next Church School Director. With Joyce already being a member of our parish, this news is all the more special!

Joyce brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, having earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education from West Chester University. After graduating, she began her career at The Episcopal Academy, teaching pre-kindergarten for 39 years. Joyce developed a program and curriculum that became a model for other schools to follow. Later in her career, she became passionate about the Reggio Emilia Approach to learning and traveled to schools around the country that offer renowned Reggio-inspired programs. The Reggio philosophy is that "children are competent, confident, and capable beings from birth." Joyce based her teaching and interaction with children on this belief and the principles of respect, responsibility, and community. She is excited to return to the work of guiding young children to become passionate lifelong learners and caring citizens, especially in the scope of Christian education within the Anglican tradition of The Episcopal Church. Joyce is thrilled to be helping young children learn what it means to love and be loved by Jesus. She will be responsible for leading our Advent program, and beginning in January, she will collaborate with our volunteers to advance and improve our Sunday School program. When you see Joyce, please take a moment to congratulate her and offer your support!

Sunday, September 10th: Over the past few months, the parish profile committee has been working to create a comprehensive parish profile that will help identify the qualities needed for our next priest. The committee has already held conversations with many of our parishioners and has received valuable input on who we are as a community and what we are looking for in our next rector.

We want to encourage all of our parishioners to share their thoughts on this important matter. The committee has designed different ways to allow everyone to share in the way that is most comfortable for them. The committee will continue to conduct discussion groups, interviews, and distribute surveys to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to provide input.  At the picnic this Sunday, profile committee members will be conducting interviews and we encourage you to speak with them. 

At St. Alban's, we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and loving family, and your input will help us to maintain that. Not only will your input help the committee create an accurate profile, but it will also provide valuable insights for potential candidates.  Your participation will play a vital role in ensuring our permanent rector's success. Thank you for your time and input. In this, and in all that we do, we know that we continue to be in God's hands.

Sunday, July 16th: We are pleased to announce that we have hired a Discernment Consultant based on the recommendation of the Diocese to help facilitate the search for our next rector. Vestry member, Ron Burling, has interviewed several consultant candidates and has found the Rev. Barbara Abbott to be the best fit for St. Alban's.

Rev. Abbott will begin at St. Alban's by working collaboratively with the parish profile committee at their August meeting. We look forward to walking this journey with her.

Sunday, June 18th: After much prayer and discernment we are pleased to announce that we have our Parish Profile Committee assembled. The Parish Profile Committee will be tasked with defining who we are as a parish, where we would like to be in the future and what kind of leadership we will need to get there.  Please pray for them as they take on this important task for our church. 
Sunday, June 11th: Matthew 18:20 tells us, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."  As we have said from the beginning we believe prayer is the most important part of this transitional time. We are pleased to announce that Denise Dick will be leading our transitional prayer committee with the new name of "St. Alban's Prayer Circle". Everyone is invited to join, there is a sign up in the hallway or contact Denise. More information about the St. Alban's Prayer Circle can be found on the back of this week's bulletin or by clicking on the picture below. 


Sunday, May 14th:  This past Tuesday the Vestry met with the Rev. Canon Arlette Benoit Joseph from the Diocesean Office of Transition Ministry. She informed us of the process needed to find our next rector. There will be two committees. The Parish profile committee and the Search committee. The Parish profile committee will be given the initial task of defining who our parish is and what kind of leadership we need. This is done by prayerfully gathering and harvesting information from all of you, our parishioners. This committee will work with the vestry in respect to using some of the vision type work they have been doing over the years to ensure that it is incorporated. They will look at our history and where we are now -- liturgically, financially, spiritually and so on. They will also look at where God might be calling us next in terms of our future, vision and growth. This information forms and creates the Parish Profile which will be published for potential priest candidates. 

The Search Committee will follow once the parish profile is complete. This group will be charged to identify candidates for the position of rector. It is the responsibility of the search committee to review applications, supporting documents, and references, to interview applicants and to recommend “finalists” to the vestry who will then be charged with the final responsibility of selection. The Parish Profile and Search committees are chosen to represent major constituencies within our parish community. The size of both of these committees will be small in number and the time commitment requires meeting a minimum of twice a month. Please pray and discern if you feel called to either of these committees and if so please reach out to our Wardens, Laurie Bragg or Karen Pohlmann, for more information.

The Diocese strongly encouraged our Vestry to work with a trained diocesan consultant to assist us with some of the technical aspects of this search process. Ron Burling is leading the effort for interviewing and selecting a consultant for St. Albans.  We are in God's hands through all of this and we know God has already called our next rector. Our work together is to discern, pray, listen and allow that call to come to life in our church and in our lives.

Tuesday, May 4th: The Vestry met with Rev. Canon Arlette Benoit Joseph from the Diocesan Office of Transition Ministry.

Sunday, April 30th: We have been blessed by the ministry of Gideon Morgan, our Children's and Youth Minister, for the last four years. Gideon has offered a gentle, loving and thoughtful approach to laying a foundation of faith for our young members at St. Alban's. 

The plan for Gideon's ministry from the beginning was to conclude at the same time he graduated from college. That time has come.  We wish him all the best and we are very grateful for his time here at St. Albans. We will be celebrating his ministry at coffee hour on Sunday, May 21st. We hope you all can join us as we honor him and give thanks.

This week, the aspect of the transition process that we are highlighting is the parish profile, which is the initial step that must be undertaken for us to discern the type of person who God is calling to serve as our next rector.  We must first undertake self-evaluation to understand who we are and where we want to be going in the next few years.  So the process of preparing the parish profile will include answering some of the questions that we have raised over the past year or so when we discussed creating some form of a strategic plan.  Preparing the parish profile will be far more than simply a job description and may involve meetings, small group discussions, questions to parishioners, the vestry and the wardens and possibly working with a consultant.  We will want to include input from many voices, but we have been advised that the parish profile committee functions most efficiently and effectively if it is a smaller committee.

We believe that everyone has a role in the transition process, whether by participating on a committee, giving input to a committee or supporting the process through your prayers or your continued efforts in ministries while others take on new responsibilities.  We ask you to take some time over the next couple of weeks to pray about how God is calling you to use your talents at this time.  God has brought us all here at this time to be a part of this process.  Each of us has a gift that only we personally can provide, and we encourage you to discern what contribution God is calling you to make. 

“To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”  
Proverbs 16: 1, 3, 9 

Wednesday, April 26th:  The Vestry and Wardens are pleased to announce The Rev. Timothy Gavin has answered the call to serve as St. Alban's interim rector upon the departure of the Rev. Canon Matthew Dayton-Welch.  Father Tim will oversee all parish ministry until a new rector is called.  Having served as one of our adjunct associate rectors since 2018, Father Tim has been a constant presence on Sunday mornings. He and his wife, Joyce, have volunteered for many ministries at St. Alban's and they have remained caring and dedicated members of our parish over the last five years. We are excited by Father Tim's eagerness to help us grow throughout our transition and we are inspired by the faith, hope and love he brings.

“I am joyful for the ministry that Jesus has entrusted to me at St. Alban’s Church. When I joined the community as an associate priest in 2018, I never dreamed the vestry along with Bishop Gutierrez would appoint me as part time interim rector. Consequently, I see the work over the next year as a labor of love, and I consider myself among you as one who serves. The joy of ministry begins in the heart and is best articulated through community, faithful collaboration, and mutual love. Together we will live into our mission as we strive to be the voice, heart, hands, and feet of Jesus. Everything I do to serve St. Alban’s Church – from pastoral care to liturgy, from adult formation to children’s ministries, and from stewardship to outreach – will align with our mission. Fortunately, we possess zealous parishioners and a firm foundation upon which to build a secure future. Joyce and I feel gratitude that God has drawn us into membership with this generous, warm, and loving community. Accordingly, we realize Paul’s instruction to the Galatians, “The only thing that counts is faith working through love” (Galatians 5:6).”

The Vestry and Wardens hope that you will join us in welcoming Father Tim and his wife, Joyce, into their new roles at St. Alban's. We ask that you lift them and St. Alban's up in your prayers.

Sunday, April 23rd: It's official!  The letter of agreement for Father Tim to be our interim rector has been signed by our Bishop.  He has already been wonderfully helpful, supportive and eager to guide us through this transitional year. We are very blessed to have an established relationship with Father Tim and we welcome him into this new role as our interim rector.

The prayer committee for our transition is being formed. We have several parishioners who have shared interest in taking part and we will be moving forward on it in the next week or so. We welcome anyone who would like to join. Please contact Kelly Bretz for more information.

On May 9th the Vestry is meeting with our Canon for Transitions, the Rev. Canon Arlette Benoit Joseph, for an informational session to help us in the months ahead. Also in May we will start the process of forming two committees for our transition, which we will be announcing next week.

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, March 26th: The celebration of Father Matt's ministry will be on Saturday, April 22nd starting at 4pm in the sanctuary with a concert by Kevin Durkin and Sam Taresenko, donated by Stephanie Jaquette and Linda Herbster. After the concert the celebration will continue in the Parish Hall around 5pm.  

We believe prayer is the most important part of this transition. Matthew 18:20 tells us, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."  Therefore a prayer committee is being formed to pray for us throughout this time of transition and is open to anyone who would like to join. Please contact Kelly Bretz or Laurie Bragg for more information.  As we continue to process the news of Father Matt's departure please know Father Tim is also available for pastoral care.

"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

Sunday, March 19th: Many of you have come forward these past two weeks to offer your support and help at this time and for the months ahead.  Please know we are so very grateful for that and for our loving parish at St. Alban's. We are looking for volunteers to help organize our Celebration of Father Matt and Paul's ministry at St. Alban's.  If you are interested in helping please contact Kelly Bretz.

We are all continuing to process the news of Father Matt's departure. Please know Father Tim is also available for Pastoral care. In addition, Rob Smith has recommended the book, "Praying Our Goodbye"; by Joyce Rupp, as a resource to help us process transitions in our lives. Copies of this book are available in the Church office for you to borrow and are also available through Amazon.

Lastly, we believe prayer is the most important part of this transition.  Therefore a prayer committee is being formed to pray for us throughout this time of transition and is open to anyone who would like to join. 

"I did the planting, Apollos did the watering, but God made things grow.  Neither the planter nor the waterer matter; only God, who makes things grow" 1 Corinthians 3:6-7


Sunday, March 12th:  A letter from Bishop Daniel Gutierrez to our parish has been received. His letter offers us reassurance that we have the full support of our Diocese throughout this transition and reminds us that we are in God's hands. The letter will be sent by email and a printed copy will be provided in our Sunday bulletin. We encourage you to read his letter to us. 

The Wardens met with our Canon for Transitions from the Diocese this past week. We have been given guidelines and information about how to hold a successful transition. The Vestry and the Wardens have committed to following the transition process, as outlined by the Diocese. More information regarding these guidelines will be provided throughout our transition updates in the weeks ahead.

The Vestry and the Wardens are working to keep our congregation informed and moving forward in order to embrace a new vision and possibilities for St. Alban's. While we are doing this, we continue to celebrate Father Matt and Paul's gifts and contributions to our parish.

A Celebration of Father Matt and Paul's ministry at St. Alban's will be on Saturday, April 22nd. The celebration will start at 4:00pm in the sanctuary with a concert by Kevin Durkin and Sam McDonald, donated by Stephanie Jaquette. After the concert we will move to the Parish Hall around 5pm to continue our celebration.  Our congregation, community leaders, Father Matt and Paul's friends, colleagues and family will be invited. More details about this event will follow soon. If you would like to help with this event please contact Kelly. 

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1Thessalonians 5:18

Sunday, March 5th: As we are given this news of Father Matt's departure we are reminded of Ecclesiastes 3:1; “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”. We know that we are in God's hands through all of this and we will walk with him during this journey together.

We are indeed saddened that Father Matt's ministry will no longer be with us at St. Alban's as he is called to another Parish. Throughout the past six years he has helped us in many ways. We have healed, we have grown, we have strengthened and we are now a joyful and thriving church. Throughout our Holy journey together Father Matt has remained a loving and thoughtful priest who inspired us all to grow in faith. We will remember his continual message to us of the undeniable, steadfast, endless bounds of God's love and his encouragement to share it with the world. Our gratitude extends beyond words and our aim is to send him and Paul off with love and appreciation.

As we look forward to the future with gratitude in our hearts we are reminded that St. Alban's has been very blessed with our relationship with Father Tim Gavin over the past five years as well. We have gotten to know Father Tim and his wife, Joyce, on Sundays and with their involvement in many of our church ministries. Our arrangement with Father Tim as our adjunct associate rector has been a wonderful blessing to us. We are looking to reorganize this relationship with him in a different way in order to help us during the time following Father Matt's departure.

Soon we will meet with the Diocese to map out our next steps. In the meantime please know that we have Bishop Gutierrez's clear commitment to see that we keep thriving. While Father Matt is being called to help another Parish, we at St. Alban's are being called to continue the joyous momentum we have built together. Please lift up Father Matt and St. Alban's in your prayers.

Yours faithfully,
Laurie Bragg, Rector's Warden and Karen Pohlmann, Accounting Warden

Transition update announcements in order of most recent:

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