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Stewardship Campaign

St. Alban's is on the move!

When the pandemic put us in our homes, we adapted our worship, going online, and creating all sorts of programs that fed our hearts and those in need.

When other churches wrestled with declining participation and giving, St. Alban's added new members and increased its annual giving.  We now begin the largest property

overhaul in 30 years even as we plan for new families, new ministries, and opportunities to serve those in our community.  We enter our second century with momentum and hope.

Your giving will make all that possible.

Please consider making a monetary pledge for 2023.  Your commitment allows us to plan now for the work ahead.


Rather make a gift of stock instead?  We can do that!  Just

call the church office at (610) 356-0459.

I make a faithful commitment to God
to support the work of St. Alban's in 2023.
Frequency of giving

Thank you for your faithfulness.  

Would you like to set up automatic giving online?  You can do that HERE.

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