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Worship is the most important act we do together at St. Alban’s.  We gather each Sunday to remember how much we are loved, to meet that love in bread and wine, and commission one another to love our neighbors and the world throughout the week.  In gathering together, we get to love God back, and when we do that authentically and with our whole hearts, we find joy and meaning. 


Sunday worship begins at 8 am with a spoken mass.  The congregation gathered is small but welcoming, and we’re usually done by 8:45 am. 


Our choir rehearses at 9 am, our children gather around 9:45 am, and our principle mass begins at 10 am. This congregation is larger—and growing—and the organ and choir shepherd us through a number of hymns.  Following this mass, we gather in the parish hall for a festive coffee hour, which is our opportunity to get to welcome newcomers and visitors.


We worship using the Book of Common Prayer and according to the customs of the Episcopal Church.  We begin with a hymn and collect prayer, and then we read from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel. We value quality preaching and our priests aim to deliver sermons worthy of our time and attention.  After the sermon, we recite the Nicene Creed, pray for the Church, the world, and those who have asked for our prayers by name, and then we make a general confession.  


Having received absolution, we share peace with one another—a friendly wave, handshake, or hug—and then it is to the altar, where we celebrate the Holy Eucharist.  All baptized persons are welcome to receive the bread and wine, and gluten free bread is available.  


We sing a final hymn together, and then we are sent into the world, where our service to God and one another begins. 



8 and 10 am



5:30 pm

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